On board

Margareth Menezes
É com grande alegria que anunciamos que Margareth Menezes embarcou na Jangada. A Jangada tem o prazer de cuidar da divulgação do trabalho artístico de nossa Ministra. Reconhecida por sua voz poderosa e carisma no palco, Margareth é uma figura ímpar na cena musical brasileira. Estamos comprometidos em promover sua arte de maneira autêntica, respeitando sua influência e relevância na cultura do país.

Com mais de quatro décadas na estrada, os Titãs se mantém cada vez mais atuais. Headliners do Festival Lollapallooza em 2024, a banda embarcou na Jangada para juntos traçarmos novas estratégias com o objetivo de amplificar a sua relevância nas redes sociais e o consumo nas plataformas de música.

Um dos maiores nomes da música pop nacional, Ludmilla chegou na nossa embarcação com os objetivos muito bem traçados e em busca de um parceiro que desenvolva e operacionalize ações assertivas para suas metas de curto, médio e longo prazo. Juntos iremos desenvolver estratégias, ativar os canais digitais, formar parcerias, analisar resultados e aplica-los no dia-a-dia. Tudo em total parceria com os demais envolvidos na sua carreira.

Maria Rita
Since 2018, we´ve been living a lot of Ämor e Música¨(¨Love and Music¨) thanks to Maria Rita, who joined the Jangada team at the beginning of that year to release her new album. With a quartely planning focused on the promotion of her releases and converting them into sales/streams, Jangada accepted the challenge and has been producing, with the support of Universal Music, relevant and intelligent contents to reach the targets. Check the results at the singer´s channels.

Jota Quest
Para celebrar os 25 anos de estrada do Jota Quest, assumimos a missão de ajudá-los a contar essa história do jeito que eles merecem. Nosso desafio é reforçar a presença online da banda, garantindo que seus canais digitais transmitam exatamente o que eles são e se conectem de verdade com o público. Vamos juntos mirar no futuro, explorando novas ideias e oportunidades para seguir espalhando seu legado.

Jorge Aragão
Jorge Aragão é um daqueles ícones que a gente custa a acreditar que tem o privilégio de trabalhar com. Subiu a bordo para traçarmos conteúdo para as suas redes além de organizar e desenvolver o lançamento de “Grande Duelo”, seu lançamento mais recente. Entregamos o planejamento macro, desenvolvemos o conteúdo, elaboramos estratégias, ações e analisamos os resultados.
Content Marketing
READ MOREIt's not enough to be beautiful; one must have consistence. This sentence makes more and more sense. With planning and creative strategies, we seek to establish the ranking of the brand. Inform, innovate, and communicate to the clients in an assertive way through contents that generate positive impacts for the brand. In JANGADA we design all the spheres of contents that must be developed, and we execute the creation with innovation and efficiency. Creativity and assertiveness are the MUST for those who want to navigate in our team. So, let´s travel?
Strategic Development
READ MOREA good navigator, before going out to sea, traces his route wisely. Here at Jangada it couldn't be different. The first steps after closing a partnership are: study and strategic planning. We immerse ourselves in the customer's universe, develop a macro action plan which consists of building a brand persona, setting goals and designing our trajectory towards the achievement of our objectives. Get on board and let's go sailing!
Analyses and Metrics
READ MOREWe live in the era of dialog and respect for the consumer. Today, the brand that doesn´t see the message that the figures show, loses the opportunity to optimize its performance in the online environment or even to choose a new path based on the info given. In JANGADA we draw, from the beginning, the indicators of the performance that will be monitored throughout the job and, on a monthly basis we evaluate its growth. Who said that professionals from the Human Science Area don´t work with calculation?
Behavior Consulting
READ MORETimes of crisis and multitasking employees. Thinking about that, JANGADA started to offer behavior consulting. A training divided into modules according to the necessity of the clients so that they understand a bit of everything. A good way to start your business in the digital environment and in a short period of time achieve a ROI that justifies the investment in an agency that is here doing precisely what they love: outcome marketing. Let´s talk more about all that. Please, send us an email to queronavegar@jangada.ag
Online Advertising
READ MOREWho said that advertising your company or product in a media would be expensive? Or even that it would not have the expected return? With Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Ads, Google Adwords and YouTube Truview it became possible to achieve a more qualified audience for a price that can be reduced at each new day of campaign. With a daily analysis of the results, JANGADA redeploys the money invested in the campaign whenever a similar campaign is performing better than the other. With a proven obtained return (provided it is done in a professional and efficient way), these tools have played a more important role in company strategy with overwhelming results. What about you, are you staying behind?
Lyric Video
READ MOREOur crew believe that all investments made by the client must be very well explored. That´s why we developed artistic lyric videos that aggregate more value to the music than just an animation of its lyrics. Let´s sail? Send an email to queronavegar@jangada.ag | See more videos from our portfolio at: http://bit.ly/Lyric_Jangs Customer Service Center (CSC)
READ MOREWhat is your opinion on CSC, JANGADA? – We think that not listening to your consumer/audience means wasting a feedback that might help you a lot. Questions, complaints and compliments cannot be left behind by any brand. It is with the CSC that we have the opportunity to predict a crisis, to convert a complaint into satisfaction and transform a compliment into loyalty. Thank you very much for the tip! I want to sail with you! So get in touch through the email queronavegar@jangada.ag and let's sail together.
Audiovisual production
READ MOREOne of the biggest challenges for those who work with social networks is to stop the scrolling thumb. Another challenge is to please all the dreaded algorithms of the platforms. A service that has become more and more important for facing these challenges is the production and edition of videos for mobiles. This is due to the fact that it has been proved that the video is one of the formats that best keeps the audience engaged and also is a darling of almost all the social channels that we deal with. That´s why, here in JANGADA we have a segment focused on briefing, production, editing and posting videos. Shall we look at facts? In 2019, the online video was responsible for 80% of all global internet traffic. Brazil is the 2nd biggest digital video market in the world. The consumption of online videos is already compared to that of the TV. Source: YouPix Masterclass, Facebook Summit 2017, Comscore and Cisco Study. Influence Marketing
READ MOREHow many times have you decided to buy a ticket, a product, or a service after getting some recommendations about it? One thing is the brand itself selling itself. Another thing is when someone who theoretically has nothing to gain with that promotion talks about it. As a big - trend of marketing 2.0, influence marketing is proving to be more and - more efficient each day. In JANGADA we chart the best message partners, we draw an activation schedule in which both sides gain, and we integrate the partners into our initial strategy. Oh, of course, we analyze the results and manage our partnerships.
READ MOREThere are two ways to at top of a Google research: paying through Google AdWords or proving to Google itself that your site is a benchmark on the subject that is being searched. JANGADA uses the most important tools to get your site to the top. Come sail with us and together we will reach the highest waves of this infosea!
READ MOREOne-to-one communication, the famous face to face, is a trend these days. Through the creation and maintenance of the customer's database, we build a relationship with your audience and use the data acquired intelligently in new campaigns. Want to know more? Just send an email to queronavegar@jangada.ag 😉